Three mariposas in Seville

     In this glamours narrative I would like to introduce you, the stunning Bella Donna de Verona. She was charming and glorying with her unbelievable charisma. The two princesses met her on one marvelous ball in the castle.  The Italian marquise has cotton soft, curly as the sea waves, bright chestnut hair and еyes green like a smooth sea glass. Her Majesty assisted the peerages with a very important court affair and since then they are really close. However in the following sheets I will display the story through the eyes of the tenderly animal - mariposa or known as butterfly.

Not that long time ago three mariposas decided to fly around Paradise and to discover the oasis of city which was once named Hispalis. They made a meeting point in a branch that was on the way to the new land and in early morning they flew away to meet the sun on the other side of Paradise.

Suddenly, however not surprisingly, there was no sun. In the desired oasis they were met by grumpy clouds and chilly temperature. Good that our butterflies brought their good mood to keep them warm.

Our three beautiful, previously chrysalis, floated through the sky as lightly as feathers when they unsteadily reached an incredible palace. The royal residence was old and had a variety of dazzling small details which made it unimaginable experience visiting it.

The following couple of sunbeams, the three mariposas spent in their inn as they were afraid not to injure their breathtaking wings. Therefore, they managed to prepare the most favorite food of the butterflies - porridge.

The rest of the trip the team butterflies managed to attend a free flying tour* around Hispalis, dive into centuries of history in Alcazar, enjoy the flora and fauna of the royalties in the south and adventure a intimate festivity with the locals.

For the visual story you can check:

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*Should you wish to receive more information regarding the spectacular gentlemen who accompanied the three mariposas, write a comment below. 


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