Revel in the wonderful atmosphere of Alicante´s everyday life

    As the days were passing pinky girl  started understanding more and more the language of the constant sunny lands. She made some new friends and they were having pleasant time together as they do in the paradise with lively music and passionate dancing.

  Together with the Baroness del Mar they were becoming better in their activities in the palace and even managed to create some permanent parchments in the online world.

Should you wish to know more about the story of the Baroness del Mar you can find and track her Instagram sheet @esc_con_julia.

Should you be interested to watch some of the adventures you can find the plays in the theater of online platform in youtube

   One of the activities was to promote healthy lifestyle as visiting schools where children did some interesting sports as Kembudo, La pelota valenciana, Rugby, Danza Urbana, Spinning, The magical game of Quidditch and after the active teenagers receive a fruit.
  Another task of the peerages was spreading the miraculous spell of the journey to be volunteer in European Solidarity Corps program in conferences, youth exchanges, Open door days, classes and creating short explanatory plays about how you can participate.

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