The happy place of the viajera rosa

    Sometimes we believe in coincidences. Like I put on two days in a row pink clothes. And then I put a week in a role pink clothes. Then pink clothes and pink color is something that defines my personality somehow.

This story is not an ordinary fairly tale. It represents how something seemingly obscure can define your personality in medium social group.
While ago I just bought one blouse which accidentally was with pink color. I liked how it looks on me so by the time I started looking at more clothing in the same color. After some time the color coral which is a variation of pink became very popular and fashionable.
It didn't take long before people around me stared noticing that I was dressed with pink clothes. Of course the mass of them associated pink color with the famous doll Barbie. So they started calling me like that. I really disliked it for a long time as I saw in this comparison the negatives as egocentric and not intelligent people assume a doll can be. However I was consistent in my choices and I didn't change my style because of the comments I received.
Just this year I not only stopped ignoring it but I stared being proud to say, yes I am the pink girl.

The first time I said that was in February. I was in Warsaw and I was about to meet with group of people that I have never seen before. So the first thing I told them when we had a hard time to find each other was ¨I am with a pink jacket¨. After some minutes we managed to find each other and the person I was communicating with told me ¨Yes, the pink jacket is really making it easier to notice you. ¨
I actually felt happy at that moment. All the following times we met each other he already knew that I will be with my pink jacket.
With the time I already had four pink jackets and as it was too much to be a coincidence my friends just called me the pink jacket girl.

After all this prehistory and a couple of wardrobes full of pink clothes later, I just generally become the pink girl.
Pink is not only barbie color, it is color of happiness and calmness. Color of flamingos and new hopes and believes. Those reasons make me become the viajera rosa.

So, if you ever wonder where can the pink girl feel pure happiness?! There is an answer below...

     In Paradise they have pink lake. It is that simple to fulfill your dreams in Paradise.
Therefore one of the most excited trips of our main character happened really spontaneous. Together with Baroness del Mar they were wondering how to utilize their time in the marvelous lands of sunshine so one time their friend of honor the brave knight of Alcoy told them about this magical place where water is pink. It wasn't far, only one sunbeam away from their castle.

When they arrived there they were greeted by unique landscapes and beautiful road next to the sea. After they devoted enough time to explore the surroundings and tasted some goods provided in the sunny inn area, they a headed to the main character of the trip - The pink lake.

The road was long and they walked a lot, there were no possibilities as riding a horse or taking a carriage. Although, the road to the dreamed place was also picturesque and part of the experience. The two heroines could see a wild bunny on the way and some oranges.

When they reached the lake it was almost sunset and the sunset in paradise is having all the pink nuances, so they spent a while enjoying the beauty of the exotic nature.

It turn out that for real in some magical way the water was pink. Enjoy the photos...

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