The marvelous knight guiding the two princesses exploring paradise

    One sunny and warm day (usual ones in paradise) the princesses got back from their activities in the palace. I guess now is the time to mention more about the other main heroine - Baroness del Mar. This miraculous young lady was impressively interesting for her charisma and attitude. She comes from the country of green landscapes and spectacular mountain views. However she loves the sea - therefore we will call her Baroness del Mar. As her surname is the same as one of the most famous Mexican painters this was a prerequisite for the peeress to develop her love for arts and more specifically photography. She also has a lot of natural science knowledge and admirable language skills. 

    From the first day living in the castle the pink wanderlust found new friends. Even though the language they speak in paradise is still new for her, she managed to find some common topics with so many astonishing people living in the same castle coming from all over Spain.

    As in the hometown of the pink girl doesn't have the necessary accesses to sea, together with her baroness they decided to visit the wonderful heap of stones. When suddenly the amiable knight of Alcoy asked to accompany them to a gorgeous place called Santa Pola with his stunning clash.
This day was very enjoyable and fulfilled with warm emotions and beautiful views. I will let you relish some of them now.

      Later the same day the three of them were accompanied by the brave sailor de Valencia and were drinking some local ale enjoying the warm weather.

A picture from the castle's garden.

For more fairy tales stay tuned with my blog. 💓


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