A fter dedicating almost all of my adolescence to discovering what I am and what drives my interest, I had to face the real question of where I will fit the most, with the personality I have built. As I mentioned before in my writings (check heading “ NEW BEGINNINGS ”) I decided to do this research or in other words the research which converted into an obsession. It turns out that the place that collides with all of my requirements and gives me the opportunity to fulfill my dream is Sweden. The general overview of the place is a very high standard and democratic country. With a good education and healthcare system alongside open-minded people who strive for internationalism. This is why I call Sweden simply – Future. Well for the small amount of time that I am here all of those points were covered. I am living in the second biggest city in “Future” and it has around half a million skirts and I consider that it is the closest to the perfect size of a city which fits me. It is b...